Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reunion Brochures are in the mail.

The Reunion information brochure will be hitting your mailbox in the next day or two.
We are still missing address information for:
Bradley Jones
Scott Jones
Monique and James Lynch
Meagan and William Khazaal
Not bad to only have four out of 54!!
You have all been very prompt in contacting us. Thank you.
Hope you enjoy looking over all the fun activities we have planned for you. We are on a budget with limited space so we need a commitment on what activites everyone will be participating in, so return the response card as soon as you can. If you can not attend, please return the response card with your family information and participate by mailing us a family photo and you favorite family recipe(s). This week we will be sharing more information about what we will be doing with those family photo's and family recipes. So come back to check it out!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Reunion Invitations will be coming in the mail soon!

The Reunion Committee is planning like crazy to make a great event for you. Invitation brochures will be mailed on January 30. We are missing several addresses. Emails have been sent to family members. If you have not moved in twenty years, we have your address. The under thirty group is where we are missing most of the addresses. Please send in yours today to: davenportfamilyreunion@gmail.com
In the mean time, save the dates and put in your vacation requests now. Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-26, 2008 in Vancouver, Washington at the Marriott Residence Inn.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Our Family Reunion is just 4 months away!!

The committee is busy planning the reunion. Please stay to to weekly updates on the latest and greatest plans. You will be receiving your personal invitation brochure the end of January. Mark your calendars with this important family event and make plans to take Friday, May 23 off from work so you can start the fun with family!!
Davenport Family Reunion
Memorial Day Weekend
May 23 - 26, 2008
Marriott Residence Inn
Vancouver, Washington